Your Class Takes Action
In 2025, Pairi Daiza invites schools to embark on an educational and solidarity-driven journey around different major environmental causes, in line with its mission to preserve biodiversity.
Learn about climate change with the Polar Bear
Climate change refers to long-term, significant transformations of the Earth’s climate. Today, it is accelerating at a much faster pace due to human activities.
Many plant and animal species, such as the Polar Bear, struggle to adapt to these changes. This may force them to migrate to new regions or, in some cases, to disappear entirely.
This resource includes:
- A complete fact sheet
- A ready-to-use activation guide for teachers
- A quiz to deepen classroom learning
Learn about poaching with the Rhinoceros
Poaching is the illegal act of hunting, capturing, or killing animals. It is a criminal activity carried out without authorization or in violation of wildlife protection laws.
Poaching endangers many animal species, such as the Rhinoceros, which is hunted for its horn.
This resource includes:
- A complete fact sheet
- A ready-to-use activation guide for teachers
- A quiz to deepen classroom learning
Learn about deforestation with the Red Panda
Deforestation is the reduction of forested areas, caused by various factors, both human and natural.
Today, the mountain forests of the Himalayas, home to the Red Panda, are being encroached upon by agriculture, forestry, and road construction. This reduces and fragments its habitat, along with that of other species.
This resource includes:
- A complete fact sheet
- A ready-to-use activation guide for teachers
- A quiz to deepen classroom learning
Learn about reproduction
One of Pairi Daiza’s main missions, if not its primary one, is to raise public awareness of the beauty of flora and fauna, their fragility and the urgent need to preserve them.
Pairi Daiza and its Foundation are also working to raise awareness of the need to preserve biodiversity among young people.
Today, we are stepping up this support by providing you with a free educational pack on reproduction, prepared by our scientific, zoological and educational teams.
This resource includes:
- Theory
- Exercises
- Amap of the Park to illustrate and consolidate what you’ve learned through targeted observations.