Pairi Daiza Foundation
“As long as we have not loved an animal, part of our soul remains asleep”.
Anatole France
“We really don’t know anything about love if we don’t love animals”
Fred Wander
“The love of living beings is man’s noblest attribute”.
Charles Darwin
“If you spend time with animals, you are likely to become a better person”
Oscar Wilde
“You can judge the greatness of a nation and its moral progress by the way it treats animals”.
“We don’t have two hearts, one for animals and one for humans. You either have a heart or you don’t”.
Alphonse de Lamartine
“Animals are the angels of this earth”.
Peruvian proverb
“Animals have one merit: they never disappoint”.
Jean Rochefort
Become a species sponsor
Becoming a sponsor is a noble and significant commitment. It means forging a special symbolic link with a species present in the Park, particularly those that are most threatened, and for which the Foundation is committed on a daily basis through its projects. The funds raised by sponsorship are entirely dedicated to the projects and programmes that the Foundation runs or supports, both in Belgium and the rest of the world. Whether you wish to sponsor a species or offer this opportunity to someone close to you, your support will help to preserve biodiversity.
Thank you to the protectors of the Pairi Daiza Foundation
The projects of the Pairi Daiza Foundation could not be realized without the generous support of all its private donors.