The Pesquet's Parrot
The Pesquet’s Parrot, also known as Psittrichas, is distinguished by its black plumage and bright red beak, representing a rare and vulnerable species from New Guinea.
Its velvety black plumage and bright red beak
The Pesquet’s Parrot, also known as Psittrichas or Vasa Parrot, is an impressive species of parrot native to the tropical forests of New Guinea. Recognizable by its velvety black plumage and bright red beak, the Pesquet’s Parrot is a fascinating species in many ways. This parrot also stands out due to its unique appearance, with an almost bald-like appearance on its head and neck, giving it a distinctive look among parrots.
The Pesquet’s Parrot primarily feeds on fruits, seeds, and occasionally nectar. Its specialized diet makes it a crucial link in the seed dispersal of tropical forest trees. Despite its beauty and ecological importance, the Pesquet’s Parrot is considered a vulnerable species due to habitat loss from deforestation and hunting. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting the tropical forests of New Guinea are essential to ensure the survival of this iconic parrot species.
Keyfacts about the The Pesquet's Parrot
Average Height
Average Weight
Life expectancy
Fiche d’identité
- Nom : Psittricha de Pesquet
- Nom latin : Psittrichas fulgidus
- Origine : Nouvelle-Guinée et des îles avoisinantes.
- Statut IUCN : Moins menacé
- Cites : Appendix II
Friends of the The Pesquet's Parrot
In Pairi Daiza the following animals live close to the Pesquet's Parrot