The Islands of the Rising Sun
On the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, Pairi Daiza has opened its ninth world. From Saturday, May 11, 2024, visitors can discover a civilization that was not yet present in the Best Zoo in Europe: Japan. This new world, called “The Islands of the Rising Sun,” presents the beauties of the archipelago in the form of islands with its iconic animals, fascinating gardens, and ancient cultural traditions.
- Siamangs are the largest of all gibbonsSiamang
These magnificent apes belong to the family of gibbons, a group of Asian primates with long limbs, particularly their thin and flexible arms. However, they do not have a tail.
They are the largest of the gibbons, yet have a relatively light build as they swing from branch to branch with extraordinary agility, capable of leaping to another tree several meters away. It’s difficult for a potential predator to catch them. Their bodies are covered in black fur, except for their faces.
Le siamang - The most northern macaque in the worldJapanese macaque
The Japanese macaque, second only to humans, is the most northern-living primate in the mixed forests of the Japanese islands. Thanks to its thick fur, it withstands winter cold by sometimes soaking in hot springs. Measuring between 80 and 95 cm, it lives in matrilineal groups and mates with multiple partners. Females lead the group while males travel between different societies. As an omnivore, its diet is mainly vegetarian and varies seasonally.
La Macaque Japonais - Little shy and curiousSika deer
The sika deer, a graceful inhabitant of the forests in the Far East, stands out for its beauty and agility. With its reddish-brown coat speckled with white and the sickle-shaped antlers on the males, it embodies the splendor of nature. This medium-sized deer lives in small family groups led by a dominant female leader. During mating season, males compete to attract females by bellowing and fighting to establish their dominance. Despite threats, efforts are being made for the conservation of this iconic species.
Le Cerf Sika - One of the few canids that hibernateCommon raccoon dog
The raccoon dog, with its coat reminiscent of a raccoon and silhouette resembling a small fox, stands out for its long legs, slender body (about 80 cm), and a tail ranging from 15 to 25 cm. As an opportunistic carnivore, it feeds on small mammals, birds, eggs, reptiles, fish, berries, and mushrooms. Mostly active at dawn and dusk, it prefers solitude and inhabits forest edges, dense undergrowth, and moist areas, up to an altitude of 3000 m. It climbs trees with agility and is a proficient swimmer.
Le chien viverrin - A powerful herbivoreRiver buffalo
Despite its impressive horns, the water buffalo is a peaceful animal that calmly chews its food.
Domesticated for thousands of years, it plays a crucial role in rural life: thanks to it, farmers can plow their rice fields, even in difficult terrain where modern tractors cannot reach, or pull carts and transport loads.
Le buffle d'eau - One of the largest birds in the worldJapanse crane
The Japanese Crane is one of the largest birds in the world, standing at about 1.50 meters tall and with a wingspan of approximately 2.50 meters, which is impressive. Its plumage is white, except for the neck, face, and wingtips, which are black. On top of its head, it has a striking, bright red bald patch, reminiscent of the Japanese flag.
Living in small groups, the Japanese Crane is monogamous and forms lifelong pairs after an elaborate and often repeated courtship dance, which is common in the graphic arts of Asia.
La Grue du Japon
Some wonders of the "Islands of the Rising Sun"
Projects of the Pairi Daiza Foundation
The mission of the Pairi Daiza Foundation is to promote respect and love for the living world by acknowledging the beauty and diversity of all forms of life on Earth. Explore here our various efforts.