The ring-tailed lemur
The ring-tailed lemur, a lemur with piercing eyes from Madagascar, showcases the unique biodiversity of this island, emphasizing the importance of conservation to protect endemic species from environmental threats.
huge leaps of several metres
Very agile, the Ring-Tailed Lemur can make huge leaps of several metres. It spends as much time on the ground as in the trees, feeding on fruit and leaves. Males compete by means of body odours, produced by glands under the forearms and close to the genitals: the male which emits the strongest odour wins the favours of the female, which dominate the males and remain in their birth group.
The mothers carry their new-born cubs on their backs but, despite their intense maternal care, only 40% of the young survive.
Keyfacts about the ring-tailed lemur
Individuals in the wild
Average Weight
Gestation Period
Fiche d’identité
- Nom : Maki catta
- Nom latin : Lemur catta
- Origine : Sud et Sud-Ouest de Madagascar
- Statut IUCN : En danger
- Cites : Appendice I
Friends of the ring-tailed lemur
The following animals live in proximity of the ring-tailed lemur at Pairi Daiza