
Marvels of The Last Frontier


Totems by Native Indians


Totem poles stand majestically within the enchanting walls of The Last Frontier, imposing sentinels that embody the cultural and spiritual wealth of North America’s Aboriginal peoples.

These monumental sculptures, carved from wood with remarkable skill, carry within them the ancestral stories and sacred traditions of the First Nations. Each totem is adorned with meaningful symbols and motifs, conveying messages of respect, harmony and connection with nature.

In contemplating these totems, visitors are invited to take a journey through time, discovering the customs and beliefs that have shaped the lives of Aboriginal peoples for centuries. In this way, the Last Frontier totem poles become ambassadors for indigenous culture, reminding us of the importance of preserving and celebrating the cultural diversity of our world.




The canoes in The Last Frontier rest quietly, recalling the ancestral waterways used by the indigenous peoples of North America. Carved from wood with hand-crafted precision, these canoes evoke the navigational traditions that enabled these peoples to thrive in wild territories.

Each canoe tells a story, a tale of courage, exploration and trade along rivers and lakes. Adorned with traditional motifs and symbols, these boats bear witness to the deep connection between indigenous peoples and the waterways that have nurtured their lives and cultures for centuries.

As visitors contemplate these canoes, they are transported into a world of legend and mystery, where the lapping of the water and the songs of the birds still echo from the past. In this way, the canoes of the last frontier become silent witnesses to a bygone era, reminding us of the importance of preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples.


Native village


Native houses are distinguished by a strong identity. The materials, such as natural brushed wood, are intended to be as raw as possible, yet there is softness, through fabrics, curtains, and carpets, directly inspired by the art of Native Indians.


Full Moon Lodges


The Full Moon Lodges offer the ultimate experience, in a setting reminiscent of the enchanting world of Anglo-Saxon tales and legends.

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"365 days/year"Starting at 112 euro