The North American porcupine
The North American porcupine, with its protective quills and distinctive silhouette, inhabits the forests of North America, showcasing the resilient and secretive nature of this nocturnal herbivore, which primarily feeds on vegetation.
quills provide formidable defense
The North American porcupine, with its unique appearance and defensive quills, embodies the essence of the wooded areas of North America.
Recognizable by its quills or spines, the porcupine stands out as one of the continent’s most unique rodents. Sporting a stout silhouette and a leisurely gait, it primarily feeds on plants, bark, and small animals, thus contributing to the ecological balance of the forests. This solitary herbivore is often perceived as shy, but its quills provide formidable defense against potential predators.
The North American porcupine, through its discreet presence and contribution to the dynamics of forest ecosystems, remains a symbol of the richness of wildlife in North America.
Keyfacts about the North American porcupine
Average Size
Average Weight
Gestation Period
Fiche d’identité
- Nom : Porc-épic américain
- Nom latin : ?
- Origine : ?
- Statut IUCN : ?
- Cites : ?
Friends of the North American porcupine
The following animals live close to the North American porcupine in Pairi Daiza