Père David's Deer
An iconic species characterized by its branched antlers and a fascinating history, having been saved from extinction through conservation efforts and bred in reintroduction programs to preserve this unique species.
Impressive antlers
Originating from marshy regions in northern and central China, this large deer is extinct in the wild and now only survives in captivity.
It was for the West discovered in 1865 by Father Armand David, a French missionary and nature enthousiast, who, while climbing the wall of the imperial hunting park near Beijing, spotted a herd.
Several specimens were laboriously sent to Europe, saving the species, as the stock at the Imperial Palace was decimated by a flood and later killed and eaten by Japanese and European troops during the Boxer Rebellion.
At the turn of the 20th century, the 18 surviving adult animals in European zoos were entrusted to the Duke of Bedford, who ensured their reproduction on his estate at Woburn Abbey.
All Pere David’s deer existing in the world today – approximately 2000 specimens – originate from this breeding program. China is currently attempting to reintroduce the species to its original habitat.
The Pere David’s deer is a fairly massive animal, weighing up to 200 kg; it has wide, splayed hooves, which are an adaptation to its semi-aquatic life.
Keyfacts about the Père David's Deer
Average Adult Weight
Gestation period
Identety Card
- Name: Pere David’s Deer
- Latin name: Elaphurus davidianus
- Origin: China
- IUCN Status: Extinct in the wild
- CITES: —
Friends of the Pere David's Deer
The following animals live close to the Pere David's Deer in Pairi Daiza