L’émeu, oiseau emblématique d’Australie, se caractérise par sa grande taille, son plumage gris-bleu et ses pattes puissantes. Avec son allure gracieuse et son habileté à parcourir de vastes étendues, l’émeu symbolise la faune unique et diversifiée du continent australien.
the second largest running bird
The male is an ultra-modern dad! It is he which builds the nest, at ground level ; it is he alone which broods the eggs for 56 days, without eating or drinking, takes care of the chicks, protecting them and raising them until they are 18 months old.
The female restricts itself to laying, in the same nest, up to 20 dark green eggs weighing between 700 and 900 grams: each egg is therefore the equivalent of about ten chicken’s eggs. The Emu is not rare: it lives in most of Australia.
It is also bred for its meat, low in cholesterol, and for its fat, which is used in the manufacturing of cosmetics.
Keyfacts about the Emu
Average size
Average Weight
Incubation of the egg
- Name : Emu
- Latin name : Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Origin : Australia
- IUCN status : Least concerned
- Cites : —
Friends of the Emu
The following animals live near the Emu in Pairi Daiza