Swamp Wallaby
Le Wallaby bicolore, marsupial aux nuances de gris et de roux, ajoute une touche de vivacité aux paysages australiens. Avec sa petite taille et son agilité, il incarne la diversité de la faune australienne, évoluant souvent dans des habitats variés, des forêts aux plaines ouvertes.
A solitary animal
The Swamp Wallaby is a small-sized kangaroo (about 80 cm for the body and 70 cm for the tail) with dark red-brown fur with orange patches on its belly and chest.
Living in the forests in the east of Australia, it is a generally solitary animal which hides and sleeps during the day in order to be active at night. Exclusively herbivorous, it prefers to nibble brushwood rather than grass, unlike the other species of wallaby. Its teeth are different. It is also able to digest certain plants (fern, hemlock and lantana) which are toxic for other animals.
After a gestation of 33 to 38 days, this marsupial takes care of its young in the ventral pouch for nearly nine months. Its predators are dingoes (wild dogs), foxes and eagles. The species is not threatened.
Keyfacts about the Swamp Wallaby
Average Size
Average Weight
Gestation Period
- Name: Swamp Wallaby
- Latin name: Wallabia bicolor
- Origin: Eastern Australia
- IUCN status: Least concerned
- Cites: —
Friends of the Swamp Wallaby
The following animals live next to the Swamp Wallaby at Pairi Daiza